Saturday, June 25, 2005

The poor bus driver!!

On the bus from Vancouver to Seattle, I had a quick nap after crossing the American-Canadian border. What happened next was quite surreal as I woke up to the chorus of happy birthday for a young girl who was standing at the front of the bus. Her younger brother was sitting down at the front next to her when all of a sudden he was sick all over the front seat, right behind the bus driver who was leading the birthday cheers!!

I think I was the only one who saw it as I was quite near the front and I could barely believe it as no one had noticed, not even the bus driver!!! The only other person was the birthday girl herself who was trying to get her Mum or Dad to realise what had happened but could barely do so over such enthusiastic celebrations!!!

Finally everyone realised and the parents rapidly tried to clean the floor and chair, it was then I noticed a few bags on that chair too which probably weren't the children's bags as they were only at the front for the birthday chorus? It emerged later that the boy had been sick over the bus driver's lunch bag!!!!!!! Poor guy!!!


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